Monday, September 30, 2019

Accounting In China Essay

1. Introduction †¢ China’s rapid economic growth in the past two decades has amazed the rest of the world. †¢ With China’s accession to the WTO, business activities with and within China will further expand. †¢ China fully understands that a sound financial reporting system plays a key role in the process of economic development. †¢ The Chinese Ministry of Finance (MoF), who has the responsibility for regulating accounting matters in China, has set itself the objectives of fostering investors’ confidence in financial information, increase transparency of financial reporting, and harmonize with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), so as to reduce the costs of raising capital by enterprises and alleviate the risk of financial crisis. 2. History Of Development †¢ The old accounting and regulations were designed to meet the needs of a planned economy, and therefore focused on whether the production goals of state-owned enterprises and their financial and costs plans were being met. †¢ Accordingly, the objectives of accounting and performance measurement some twenty years ago were significantly different from the financial reporting objectives in a modern market oriented economy. †¢ Significant accounting reforms were undertaken in the past two decades due to several factors such as: âž ¢ Since China opened its door to foreign investments in 1979, the rapid growth of its economy, international trade and securities markets has shaped new objectives for financial reporting. âž ¢ State-owned enterprises now look a lot like profit-oriented businesses, and managers and other users need reliable and relevant financial information on which to base decisions about the efficient allocation of capital. âž ¢ At the same time, china has reached out to the international community to form joint ventures and gain greater access to the latest technologies and the world’s capital markets. See more: Homelessness as a social problem Essay †¢ In the 1980s, the MoF issued the first set of accounting regulation, which was formulated by reference to international accounting practice, for joint ventures in China. †¢ In 1992, due to rapid development of the Chinese securities market, the accounting System for Experimental Joint Stock Limited Enterprises was promulgated by the MoF in order to standardised accounting practice and disclosures by listed companies. This System was subsequently replaced by the Accounting System for Joint Stock Limited Enterprises (JSLE) in 1998. †¢ The 1992 regulation moved away from the traditional fund-based Soviet accounting model and incorporated many common Western accounting practices. †¢ In the same year, the MoF promulgated the Accounting Regulations for Foreign Investment Enterprises (FIE), the Accounting Regulations for Share Enterprises. †¢ In 1993 the Basic Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises came into force. It imposes some basic rules (e.g. that double entry bookkeeping must be used, that a cash or funds statement must be included in the financial statements, and that consolidated financial statements must be provided where appropriate); set out a conceptual framework of China accounting and make some detailed rules of financial reporting. †¢ The conceptual framework introduced on a broader scope new accounting concepts and essential elements of financial statements that were in many respects based on international practices. †¢ The conceptual framework aspects of the regulation are reasonably close to US and IASC precedents. †¢ However, these pronouncements were still found to have essential differences with international practice such as limited disclosure of financial information for the users to understand the results and financial position of the reporting enterprise. †¢ Another difference is that the regulation does not specifically identify the primary user or purpose of financial statements. Instead, a hierarchy of users includes the government, banks, the public and an enterprise’s own management. †¢ This is very different from the US or IASB which emphasis on financial decision making by outside investors. †¢ In addition, the ASBE is based on historical cost without the revaluation allowed in IASB or UK rules or the increasing use of fair value in IASB/US/UK rules. †¢ Furthermore, ‘substance over form’ is not established as a principle in China. 3. The New Accounting Standards And Accounting System (Development after 1993). †¢ In 1993, with funding from the World Bank (US$2.6 million), the MoF engaged Deloitte Touchee Tohmatsu (DTT) as consultants to develop a body of Chinese Accounting Standards (CAS) broadly in line with accounting and financial reporting practices used internationally. †¢ Exposure Drafts on about 30 standards have since been published between 1994 and 1996, and they were generally closely in line with the standards of the IASC. †¢ In 1997, the first standard was issued. It is on disclosure of relationships and transactions with related parties. †¢ In the same year, China joined the IASC, and became an official observer at Board meetings. †¢ In October 1998, an Accounting Standards Committee (CASC) was founded within China’s MoF. It comprises academics and members of accounting firms as well as government experts. †¢ In 1998, the Ministry of Finance issued the Accounting System for Joint Stock Limited Enterprises (JSLE) to replace the accounting System for Experimental joint Stock Limited Enterprises in order to standardise accounting practice and disclosures by listed companies. †¢ In 2000, DTT was reappointed as consultants for the second phase of the project. †¢ China accounting has achieved remarkable progress in unifying its accounting practices since Year 2001. †¢ In the same year, MoF issued a new comprehensive Accounting System for Business Enterprise (the ‘System’). The new System replaced the Accounting System for JSLE form January 1, 2002. †¢ In other words, all JSLE (including all listed enterprise) and FIE are now required to follow one unified new System. The system introduces the concept of substance over form and extends the requirement for consideration to all assets. †¢ The MoF plans to ultimately require all medium-size and large enterprises (other than financial enterprises) to adopt the new System, and announced its expectation that state-owned enterprise will adopt the new system over time. †¢ When fully implemented, the new System will replace the numerous inconsistent industry accounting regulations, enabling the financial statements of different types of enterprises to become more comparable. 4. Impact Of The New Systems On FIE †¢ Before adopting the new System, FIE’s financial statements which were prepared in accordance with the Accounting Regulation for FIE could not properly reflect the enterprise’s actual financial position and operating results, the enterprise had to make numerous adjustments when they compile financial statements under overseas accounting standards, such as IAS and US GAAP. †¢ The process was time consuming and imposed additional cost of investment to the foreign investors. †¢ After the adoption of the new System, the differences between FIE’s financial statements under PRC GAAP and those prepared in accordance with international accounting practices will reduce further, thereby enabling the foreign investors to assess the performance of their investments more efficiently. 5. China Accounting Standards Convergence With IFRS †¢ The importance and acceptance of IFRS has increased significantly over the past few years. †¢ While actively pursuing convergence with IFRS, the MoF necessarily has to ensure that accounting standards appropriately address the national circumstances that exist during this transitional period in the economy. âž ¢ A very significant portion of the economy is dominated by state owned enterprises. Even after enterprises are restructured into joint stock enterprise and branched out from the government structure, functional or regional government that remain stakeholders still exert significant influences over the enterprises and their trading partners and their transactions. âž ¢ Free markets are not sufficiently developed in many areas. âž ¢ Financial statements are multi-functional, serving not only the needs of the investors but also other interested parties including the State for supervisory and management purposes. âž ¢ Enterprises and professional intermediaries such as auditors and valuers are at a developing stage. During this transitional period, accounting standards must be realistically implementable by the preparers and auditors of financial statements. †¢ On 16 February 2006, the Chinese Ministry of Finance and the International Accounting Standards Board formally announced that Chinese Accounting Standards (CAS) will converge with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) on 1 January 2007. †¢ Converging CAS with IFRS is one of many successful initiatives undertaken by the PRC government over the past global economy. †¢ Investors, analysts, regulators and other interested parties in recent years have been increasingly demanding more consistent and reliable financial reporting from companies around the world. †¢ The adoption and consistent application of accounting standards based on IFRS principles is widely viewed as a commitment to transparent financial reporting by these constituents. Transparent financial reporting is considered as the foundation of investor confidence. †¢ The process of convergence has been started way back in November 2005 when several meetings had been held between MoF and board members of IASB. †¢ The process of convergence will involve integrating the IFRS principles into CAS and will result in the amendment of all existing standards and the issuance of an additional 22 Specific standards. †¢ While the revised CAS will not reflect a literal translation of IFRS, their scope will include all IFRS principles. In additional, they will contain interpretive guidance to address the accounting for specific types of transaction (e.g. combinations of companies under common control) and industry accounting issues (e.g. extraction of petroleum and natural gas). †¢ The new CAS will comprise 1 basic standard and 38 specific standards. †¢ The revised CAS will first be applied to listed companies from 1 January 2007 and gradually applied to other types of entities. †¢ There will be differences between the revised CAS and IFRS to reflect unique circumstances in China. †¢ These differences, among other things, relate to: a. A prohibition of the reversal of asset impairment once it has been made; b. The accounting for certain government grants; c. Related party disclosures between State owned enterprises that have no direct investment relationship. 6. Challenges faced by China in converging with IFRS. †¢ The effect of changing accounting policies involves some efforts such as: âž ¢ Re-designing the financial reporting process to ensure that management has sufficient reliable financial information with which to prepare financial statements that comply with the standards, particularly in regards to the increased levels of disclosure required, and properly supports critical accounting estimates and judgements. âž ¢ The people involved in the financial reporting process will need to develop a new expertise and competency in applying revised CAS. âž ¢ Developing new accounting policy manual; integrating new CAS internal management reporting (budgeting, forecasting, performance measurement) and external reporting (financial, statutory, investor) into daily operations across the organization. âž ¢ Implementing ongoing and sustainable processes such as valuations of share options and derivatives, impairment testing hedge documentation and effectiveness testing, etc. âž ¢ Require identification of new data requirements due to financial statements and disclosure requirements. âž ¢ Train the head office and business units of the new reporting requirements. âž ¢ Provide training to finance and also non-finance staff including key management (e.g. finance, treasury, tax, human resource and sales) on new CAS principles and new reporting requirements. THE NEW SYSTEM OF CHINESE ACCOUNTING STANDARDS Key features and impact of the new accounting standards 1. The new accounting standards represent convergence with International financial Reporting Standards. †¢ Most of the newly issued standards and revised standards make reference to the equivalent IFRS and adopt the principles and treatments similar to its counterpart. †¢ As a result, the financial statements prepared in accordance with the New Accounting Standards will be more comparable with those prepared in accordance with IFRS. †¢ Overseas investors and users of financial statements will understand the financial statements of Chinese enterprise better and the cost of re-preparing financial statements for Chinese enterprises when getting overseas listing will be reduced. 2. The requirement of fair value measurement †¢ Under the new accounting standards, debt restructuring and no-monetary transactions will be measured at fair value and gains that meet certain criteria will be recognized in the income statement. †¢ Whereas before the revision, those transactions were carried at book value and any gains arising from those transactions were not allowed to be recognized. †¢ In practice, the determination of fair values may not be easy for many entities and various valuation techniques are required. 3. Specify accounting treatments for important accounting issues such as business combinations and consolidated financial statement. †¢ In the past, there was neither formal accounting standards nor comprehensive and detailed guidelines in the area of business combinations and consolidated financial statements. †¢ As a result, accounting treatments for similar business combination transactions may have varied across different enterprises causing much confusion and inconsistency. †¢ Therefore, the issuance of the standards on â€Å"Business Combination† and â€Å"Consolidated Financial statement† will provide comprehensive and more authoritative provisions and guidelines on these important accounting issues. 4. Specify treatments on new accounting issues and certain previously off-balance-sheet items will be recorded in the balance sheet †¢ Derivative financial instruments will be recognized on the balance sheet instead of only being disclosed in the notes to the financial statements. †¢ All shares and share options granted to employees to be measured at fair value and expensed in the income statement. 5. Standards relevant to important specialized industries †¢ The New Accounting Standards will include a number of standards that are relevant to those specialized industries. †¢ For example, the four standards on â€Å"Financial Instruments† will have an impact on accounting practices in various financial institutions. †¢ The standards on â€Å"Direct Insurance Contract† and â€Å"Re-insurance Contracts† will affect players in the insurance sectors. †¢ The â€Å"Extraction of Petroleum and Natural Gas† and â€Å"Biological Assets† are standards that are issued specifically for enterprises operating in the petroleum and gas industry and agriculture industry respectively. 6. Impairment of Assets †¢ The previous accounting regulations in China allow the reversal of impairment under certain circumstances. †¢ However, under the new standard, it specifies that any recognized impairment loss for fixed assets and intangible assets cannot be reversed in future accounting periods. †¢ The restriction on impairment loss reversal does not apply to inventories, trade receivables and bank loans. 7. More detailed requirements on disclosure †¢ The new standards provide users of financial statements with more relevant and transparent information, which will facilitate their economic decision-making. †¢ For instances, in respect of accounting policies and accounting estimates, the basis for the determination of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates is required to be disclosed. †¢ In relation to financial instruments, a detailed disclosure on the enterprise’s financial risk exposure is now required. 8. Transitional adjustments †¢ The New Accounting Standards were applicable to listed companies effective from 1 January 2007. †¢ The MOF has issued transitional provisions which are included in the standard on â€Å"First Time Adoption of Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises†. †¢ The standard requires that at the date of transaction, an entity should reclassify, recognize and measure all assets, liabilities and owners’ equity in accordance with the New Accounting Standards and prepare an opening balance sheet. †¢ These transitional provisions may reduce the workload and complexities for preparers’ adoption of the New Accounting Standards.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Computer Shopper Essay

Technology has evolved and changed throughout history and the world. In the 80’s and even early 90’s, type writers and the mail man were highly relied on when it came to communication. Today when it comes to communication now we have e-mail and text messaging. Presently different professions use computer but with different configurations. So what I did was take three known professions business, student and professional gamer. To describe what functions are needed for their profession. The Student Being a fulltime student takes a lot and requires one to be on point at every task at hand. Having all materials such as paper, books, pens and pencils. Even through textbooks breaks the bank in your pockets. The need for a notebook also known as a laptop is a major requirement. Having a notebook definitely helps a lot in everyday class curriculums. One problem is that once you have your notebook you need software such Microsoft Office. Microsoft Office is a wonderful tool when it comes to creating and reviewing documents. How can you determine what type of notebook to get though? On table 1 below, I have looked into Best Buy, one of America’s top known electronic retail companies, to see what is it that they have to offer to students. I came across Hewart Packard Pavilion A-8 series. This notebook comes with a 500 gigabyte hard drive and 4 gigabytes of memory. The processor is an Intel Celeron 2.1GHz. It is not one of Intels high end processors but for a student, it is definitely at the top of its class. The price provided by Best Buy is $429.99. The Business Man Reports, meetings, reviews, and analysis are the assignments general business men have to complete daily, weekly and/or monthly. But what type of desktop does a business man usually have in his or her office? Some random hand me down desktop provided by the IT Department? I believe so. What if you were your own boss and needed some sort of desktop that can get you  through everyday business. What type would you go for? Generally you want a desktop with a moderate processor, high on memory and a large hard drive to keep all documentation. Below on table 1, I suggested the Dell XPS desktop. Dell is popular nationwide when it comes to businesses and even schools. The Dell XPS provides 1TB of hard drive, 12GB of memory, and on top of that a 3.4 Intel 4th Generation Core. This desktop is an awesome display of business power and priced at $699.99.

Saturday, September 28, 2019


When asked What is constituting a redneck? Various answers are wonderful. The people of the country are regarded as drunk, racist, useless people, even Monticello. I lived in Monticello for 16 years, most of them are in rural areas, but not all. As it is certainly the atmosphere we are looking for, we chose Monticello to do research. To become a country man here, you must have some qualities like a big track like a rebellious flag, and you have to wear the right way. I grew up in a world I rarely experience. This is the unpaved road and track pickup world. When I sang a route from Northern California to South Alabama during the country boy where Hank Williams Jr. could survive, he was really singing my northern California. 4 hours, FFA, Bath Splash Party, High School Soccer. It is free. The period before the phone. Curfew is the only true limit. As long as we get home somewhere at midnight, we can solve any troubles we want. We are Cinderella, a rural man who went home from the backi ng ball. One day, a young couple named Maltese and John found a boy sleeping in the old chair of the front porch. His arrival is as marvelous as possible. I have never heard that everyone goes to a small farm walking on an unpaved road. There is only one clue. There was a handwritten note in my pocket. But as the days and weeks expanded, Marta and John have not said a word yet, but I liked Jelly Beans and found out that I liked it on any surface. I'm very happy to play with drums, my dogs, Beagle dogs, family cows. Most importantly, he is a very enthusiastic and proficient artist who creates not only capricious and fantasy scenes, but also landscapes full of blue trees, red roads and purple animals. Is this probably a clue to his hometown? You can ask this question nationwide, but I ask this boy everyday. Who is the villain in the country where killers in neighboring countries can walk freely? Who survives the corn meal that was excluded after the family villain and the boys were ap proved by his parents? Who is the villain when your escaped citizen causes conflict in neighboring countries? Maybe we are asking the wrong question. In order to enjoy this benefit, you have to look at past negative factors. These are the issues covered in William Golding's novel The Lord of the Flies. The story is a story of a group of young boys who were forced to learn how to survive on an island surviving in an airplane accident. Through the story, the boys change each other, open each other, and eventually they will fight between them. The Lord's Lord casts doubts about the effects of innocence, civilization, and power. Ralf immediately began leading the boys. These boys can light a fire, but Jack encourages them to concentrate on hunting rather than fire. Fire is out of control. The little boy disappeared and was presumed to have died.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Physics134 Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Physics134 - Coursework Example The Ministry in charge of energy conservation established standards of energy consumption for the sector. The Chinese government has also established fees and tax rebate system for low energy buildings to encourage constructions. Under the feebate system, one either pays a fee or receives a rebate when one connects to electric system or gas. The amount received or paid relies on the size of the subscription of the efficiency of the building. Efficient buildings receive a rebate while inefficient buildings pay a fee. The system is politically attractive and cost neutral. This model is workable for the United States, and can help in conserving energy in the construction sector. it is a desirable approach for the United States due to the energy conservation benefits, its political desirability, and cost neutrality. The Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) improves cars’ average fuel economy. It has been a successful program to a greater extent because some of its auto manufacturing set goals has been met. CAF has managed to regulate fuel economy with its strict fuel economy standards. The major purpose of CAF is to reduce consumption of energy through increasing the cars’ fuel economy. CAF in collaboration with NHTSA improves the country’s energy security. Compared to a tax added gasoline purchased at the pump, CAF standards are still effective. This is because the fuel economy rises as CAF standards increase. However, using tax added gasoline purchased at the pump would mean that the prices of gasoline increase. This will, in the long-run, increase the average fuel economy of the passenger car fleet. Due to the energy consumption, the increasing fuel economy would drive the gasoline price down. Therefore, CAF standards prevail over tax added gasoline purchased at the pumps. CAFÉ standards, Wikipedia,

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Treasury and risk management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Treasury and risk management - Essay Example Therefore, China is pursuing a weak currency policy in order to boost demand for Chinese exports. The large current account surplus in China is the indication that China’s currency is undervalued (Pettinger, 2011, p.1). The reason behind holding the value of Yuan is to compensate for its economic weakness. Its weak currency policy makes Chinese goods cheap compared with those of global competitors in Europe and Japan for instance. Since 1996, China has maintained a same fixed exchange rate resulting in an enormous increase in foreign exchange reserves. This enormous increase will be fuelled by Yuan that is estimated to be undervalued against the dollar. The benefit which it is getting by holding the value of Yuan is that it is selling more goods in foreign countries i.e. trade surplus (Cohen, p.1). Another benefit is that its capital market is becoming attractive to investors. If the successful internationalization of the Yuan will be possible then it will also be the internat ional currency (Cohen, 2011, p.1). Evidence Suggesting Weak Currency Policy of China It has undervalued the price of its currencies in order to keep its currency policy weak in order to boost export and enjoy trade surplus. Its weak currency policy in relation to US Dollar enables them to buy dollar from the open market in order to keep the demand for dollars high. It drives the dollar price upward in relation to Yuan. The large account surplus in China is the evidence for its weak currency policy (Cksd, 2012, p.77). There are some negative aspects towards the weak currency policy of China. By depending more on exports and foreign direct investment inflows made China particularly weak towards the effects of the global economic slowdown. A weak currency policy i.e. undervalued currency makes import more expensive, thereby throbbing Chinese firms that import raw materials and machinery (Morrison and Labonte, 2011, p.22). A huge rise in China’s foreign exchange reserves in recen t years is also the evidence that the Chinese Government has been holding its currency down in order to make weak currency policy (Shapiro, 2009, p.85). Relationship between Yuan Appreciation and Dollar Depreciation Currently imports from China accounted for about 10% of total U.S. imports. In June 2010, the value of Yuan was 6.79 to the dollar. In 2012 China allow the Yuan to trade in a daily range against the U.S. dollar. Soon it was announced that Yuan’s new trading band against the dollar will allow the exchange rates to move 1% above or below a daily reference exchange rates (Fung and Hong, 2012). Therefore a 25% appreciation of Yuan would be equivalent to 20% dollar depreciation. Such depreciation will result in stemming America’s appetite for foreign goods. If Yuan value appreciates, it will cause deflation, cut off foreign direct investment and cut economic growth. If these things will happen, prices will skyrocket preventing the consumers to buy the stuff in C hina, and the Chinese economies would break up to a halt. On the other hand, it will lead to the more export of U.S goods. The other country will have money and reserves to buy America’

Difference between Leaders and Managers Assignment - 13

Difference between Leaders and Managers - Assignment Example Following these theories in leadership, leaders should depict voluntary action; this is the difference between leaders and managers. Leaders in the article are acting like managers, whose role is to control the employees. They fail in their roles as they are supposed to listen to their needs and look for a way forward to create an admirable working environment. The success of leaders has a different interpretation, as it is governed by many variables; this includes the leadership styles, aspects of the situation, and quality of followers (Bertocci 22). This means that they have to create a basis to enhance their relationship with employees. Â  In the recent business world, there is a need for an integrated education system, which will produce effective people in the job market. This is the main objective Ohio States studies. Through this kind of initiatives, business leaders in China will be in a position to relate professionally with both customers and employees, which is the most prominent object in any organization. With this, industries will eliminate strikes enhance increase their productivity (Bertocci 45).

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Perception and Creativity in the Life of Tupac Term Paper

Perception and Creativity in the Life of Tupac - Term Paper Example The object of analysis for the purpose of this assignment is Tupac Shakur as a significant figure of change in the music industry. He is among the pioneers of rap music in the 1990s. Tupac was a dynamic artist and influential to most African American youths as well as white people in the United State. His life story is inspired by change and struggle towards right. He was well known as the most influential artists of his time. This document tends to explore the relationship between transformation of location and transition in creativity and focuses on Tupac’s life. Tupac is known for the representative of Western Hip-hop. However he was born in New York. Tupac Shakur was born of two popular members of the Black Panther party Afeni and Billy Shakur. He was born at the time her mother had been convicted with bombing charges. He was first named Tupac Amur which meant the shining serpent. While growing up in the north coast, Shakur spent much of his teenage life in acting. He feat ured in his first movie which was known as A Raisin in the Sun. this was produced by the Apollo Theatres as a benefit of Jesse Jackson’s presidential campaign in 1983. He then moved to the Baltimore School of Art. Tupac moved to the west coast after dropping out of the film school. He was 17 years old. While in the south coast, he settled in Marin County California. This is where his career transformed from acting to rap as he became a roadie and dancer for Digital Underground rap group. Since then, he became popular to rap music featuring in the group’s albums such as son of the P and the EP which were released in 1991 and 1990 respectively. As an underground artist, he signed Interscope music productions and released an album 2pacalpse in 1992. The album became famous for its message on racial strength. He then ended his acting career with the film Gang related posing as a sidekick to James Belushi. At this point, his main focus shifted from movies to music.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Irish revolution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Irish revolution - Essay Example A clash of opinions and perspectives results into conflicts. ‘Revolutionary changes’ ultimately refer to the outcomes of a revolution i.e. the resulting reforms and alterations that progress after a revolution. Most changes begin with a single major conflict but it is not until later that we realize whether it is revolutionary or not. On the other hand, when a nation faces the problem of sovereignty, a revolutionary outcome is guaranteed. When various major parties arise in a nation, with various ideologies, that condition is known as multiple sovereignty. Yet the result i.e. victory and defeat, in any condition can never be predicted with certainty. Dual sovereignty is when a nation has two major parties, mainly the ruling party and the opposition party, with two different point of views. Irish revolution was a rebellion against the British rule by the ‘united Irishmen’ of Ireland (The 1798 Irish rebellion 2013). ‘United society of Irishmen’ wa s a combination of various protesting parties into a single society. They demanded the separation of Ireland from Britain. The causes for this demand were deep rooted. The main conflict between the British and the Irish was due to religion. For many years Ireland had been ruled by the Anglican minority as they were a member of ‘established church that was loyal to the British crown’. ... he fact that Ireland was given lesser rights than other British colonies are some of the reasons which led to numerous disagreements between the government and the public. The United society of Irishmen mainly relied on the intervention of the French military. Their assistance came as promised in fleets however adverse weather conditions scattered them leaving the Irish support less. The French fleets were an open declaration of rebellion thus the British, acting from the Dublin castle, suppressed the society to almost non-existence. Contrary to further plans, the Dublin rebels retreated at the last second of rebellion and brought the minor resistances up front creating confusion, chaos and terror. All the rebellions were suppressed with the exception of Wexford. However the rebels again faced defeat New Ross, Arklow, Newtownbarry. The northern rebellions in Ballymena, Antrim and Ballynahinch were brutally crushed by the military. The United Irishmen suffered much causality and the n orthern revolt was suppressed. The army then progressed towards the Vinegar Hill where the rebels had camped. The army made a surprise attack upon them. They were slaughtered and hanged mercilessly. The British regained control over the country. The last blow on behalf of the Irish rebels was made by the French when 1000 troops attacked and won at Castlebar. However it was an empty victory as the French soon ran out of steam and surrendered to the British. The chief outcome of the rebellious activities was the abolishment of Irish parliament. Their failed freedom and independence movement led the British to take even more severe measures against them. This resulted in even lesser freedom, equality and liberty to the citizens of Ireland. The numerous amounts of causalities due to this

Monday, September 23, 2019

Education by computer - a better way Research Paper

Education by computer - a better way - Research Paper Example Utilizing computer-mediated communication provides solutions to evaluate the above mentioned issues by creating an interactive forum. The use of computers by students and teachers can achieve higher levels of insight when sharing resources at a personalized level such as computers. This is in cases where teachers offer students learning problems, and using computer mediated communication, students can brainstorm via peer apprenticeship learning (Soong 596). Computers in the education environment, as mentioned above, can also be used to back up lessons and brainstorming sessions for purposes of later use where they can be printed out, and teachers can view the thought process of their students. It is through this means that a teacher can understand the struggles of students in the subject areas they are involved. As a result, computers in education provide rich information in co-construction of knowledge and negotiations between them, as well, this way, hidden meta-cognitive activitie s, are exposed for mediation purposes by the teacher and curriculum developers. In addition, computers eliminate the barrier of overt observation and student feedback to correct mistakes. This is through advanced interception of learning and other issues they may be facing difficulties before students as earlier stated, air them. With this in mind, sharing information and collaboration between multiple students is eased rather than before the use of computers. This is because with computer-mediated communication, top students can help those with difficulties easily and without consuming much time. Computers in education can improve learning through the concept of virtualization, where it helps in budgeting school resources. This is concerning the use of multiple computers at the same time, meaning that schools have plenty of hardware to the extent that some of it gets obsolete. In this case, schools are faced with the dilemma of discarding the older computers for new ones or buying new hardware altogether. The concept of virtualization comes in handy by providing an opportunity where the school’s budget can be saved for more important aspects of education (IBM 8). This is done through reusing the old computers for the same purpose only that this time they will only be used to access virtual servers for the same information they would have on their own computers. Purchasing computers is en expensive affair, but vitalizing old hardware allows schools to spend less on computers and get the same level of productivity as having new hardware. The concept of virtualization works hand in hand with long distance education. This is through facilitation of effective information presentation through applications such as PowerPoints and animation programs. Through these, lecturers have an easier task delivering content to students to students, as well as giving lectures. This is because; they facilitate audio-visual representation of information, which make the lear ning process interactive, interesting and fun for both students and teachers. This is especially the case when it comes to saving time and effort utilized in preparation and delivery of a single lesson. Moreover, time spent is reduced, as students do not need to make as many notes as presented by the teacher because; the same content is easily available to the students for

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Organizational Impact Essay Example for Free

Organizational Impact Essay Innovation, design, and creativity are important parts of any organization that strives to be a market leader within a given industry. Organizations typically belong to one sector of industry, either service or manufacturer. A company from each sector, Nissan Motors for manufacturing and Verizon Wireless for service are the organizations chosen for evaluation. Nissan Nissan Motors has proven to be a leader in the automobile industry in innovation. When the price of gas increased significantly in 2006, Nissan changed their strategy to include the electric car. With the Toyota Prius already available, Nissan wanted to be the first with a 100% electric car. Recognizing a new market never comes easy for any organization and the impact to the organization can be significant, Nissan took a big risk. Although Nissan began developing an electric car in 1997, the uses for this type of car were not for the public. Initially government agencies and businesses used these cars as fleet cars. With need for alternative fuel sources and public interest, Nissan refocused energy back into the electric car it had originally developed, the Nissan Versa in 2009, renaming the car Nissan Leaf in 2010 (Nissan Motor Company,† n. d. ). Nissan showed its innovation and creativity with the introduction of the first environmentally friendly car that requires no gasoline. The designers for Nissan gave the vehicle a look that is attractive to the buyer and will set the stage for how electric cars will look in coming years as these types of vehicles continue to be the new trend (Nissan Motor Company,† n. d. ). For the first two years after launching the first affordable, mass market electric car, the Nissan Leaf struggled in sales. Nissan began an aggressive marketing strategy and creating strategic partnerships the Nissan Leaf finally reached growth stage. With the organization’s aggressive marketing push, advertisements gave consumers clear messages on how environmentally friendly this new type of vehicle is, how it saves money on the purchase of gas, and that the price tag makes it affordable to most car buyers. In the end, the impact on the strategy of Nissan was minimal other than overcoming the American car buyers’ love for the gas powered engine. Nissan believes in turning what ifs into what is, and with the Nissan Leaf they have brought the innovation of the electric car to reality. Verizon Wireless Verizon wireless formed in 2000 with the merger of Bell Atlantic and GTE (Verizon Corporate History,† 2013). Once complete, the merger created the nation’s largest wireless cell phone service company. In 1992 there was the introduction of the first smart phone. This phone called Simon was capable of much more than making phone calls but there was no network available that was capable of handling the data it could send. This innovation laid the ground work for Verizon’s 4G LTE network. Over the next two decades, mobile network technology grew and in 2010 Verizon Wireless revolutionized lives throughout the United States with LTE technology. Today, Verizon is the largest, most reliable 4G LTE network (Verizon Corporate History,† 2013). The organization delivers the most advanced wireless technology available. Through innovation, Verizon Wireless 4G LTE can provide services in the fields of transportation, health care, small businesses, and education. With the advanced technology Verizon Wireless provides its customers, street vendors can make payment transactions and EMS personnel can improve on response times and patient care. Verizon Wireless is no longer just a cell phone provider. However, the innovation of this technology over the years has forced Verizon to change its strategy several times to remain the best in the industry. The impact on Verizon’s strategy was a $66 billion dollar investment in their technology and infrastructure (Verizon Corporate History,† 2013). Although the policies of Verizon did not change, the marketing of what services they could provide had to. Conclusion Innovation, design, and creativity impact organizations in different ways. For the Nissan Company the impact was minimal because the organization already had a design, prototype, and the infrastructure to make the product. This product affected the marketing strategy the most because the vehicle needed aggressive measures to get the car selling. As technology continues to evolve rapidly there will still be some changes made to the electric car in the years to come. The impact on Verizon was more significant because the organization’s technology needed further development to accommodate manufacturers of cell phones such as the Apple I-phone and the Android. Verizon needed innovation, design, and creativity to develop not only the technology but also the service plans as well. In today’s business environment, organizations, whether they are manufacturers or service-based must be ready to change strategies and evaluate the impact on the organization’s business constantly.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Features of Information Technology

Features of Information Technology The Internet also known as the Net and is also a worldwide network of computers. It is made up of thousands of interconnected computer networks (a network is a group of computers connected together). A network in the Internet can be large (consisting of thousands of computers), medium (consisting of hundreds of computers) or small (consisting of just a few computers). Similarly, the computers in the network can be mainframes, minicomputers or microcomputers. All computers in the Internet cooperate and work together to provide a variety of useful services to the users. Computers in the Internet fall into two basic categories: host (servers) and terminals (browser). Users connect to the internet by subscribing to an Internet Service Provider commonly known as an (ISP). An ISP is an organisation that provides bandwidth services at some cost to clients who wish to have internet connections in their homes or offices. NetZero, ATT and Microsoft Network (MSN) are ISPs. Individuals also connect to the Internet through business firms, universities, or research centres that have designated Internet domains. Connection is done by: Traditional telephone lines and modem Broadband services which are provided by Digital subscriber line (DSL), cable satellite connections and T lines. T1 and T3 are international telephone standards for digital communications. They leased dedicated lines suitable for business or government agencies to secure guaranteed service levels. The Internet is based on the TCP/IP networking protocol suite. Every computer on the net is assigned a unique Internet Protocol (IP) address. The Internet also consists of domain naming system which stands for DNS. The (DNS) converts IP addresses to domain names . Features that define the internet The World Wide Web (WWW) EMAIL NEWS TELNET File Transfer Protocol (FTP) Internet Relay Chat (IRC) The World Wide Web (WWW) The World Wide Web Know as WWW is part of the internet that supports hypertext documents allowing users to access and navigate different types of data. It is also a web document that is encoded with HTML tags. These HTML tags allow designers to link contents via hyperlinks. Every web page has an address which is a Uniform Resource Locator which stands for (URL). Currently the Web is viewed mainly as a tool for allowing access to a large amount of published information. EMAIL This is also known as Electronic Mail and it is the reason most people stay on the internet. With the inception of the email facility people can create, send and receive email messages to one another around the globe using an email program with an email account on the internet mail server. Email clients usually contain user interfaces to display and edit text. NEWS News is another major feature of the internet. It includes hundreds of newsgroup each newsgroup hosts discussion on a specific topic. A newsgroups name indicates its users special topic of interest such as clothes, shoes, food etc. When participating in a news program you need to have a news reader program that lets you read articles that have been posted on a news server. Articles can be posted for people to read and respond to. is the worlds biggest electronic discussion forum. It provides a way for messages to be sent among computers across the entire Internet. People from all over the world participate in discussions on thousands of specific areas of interest called newsgroups What is Telnet? The Telnet protocol is often thought of as simply providing a facility for remote logins to computer via the Internet. Telnet follows a Client / Server Model. You run a piece of software on your own PC (the client) to use the resources of a distant Server Computer (host computer) Some practical uses of Telnet include: Telnet is a Protocol that lets you use the power of the Internet to connect you to databases, library catalogs, and other information resources around the world. Telnet lets you connect directly to another computer on the Internet and run programs on the computer (provided you have access permission (Username and Password). Theoretically you have a lot of power at your fingertips. Your dumb terminal or very old PC can run programs on the worlds most powerful computers. How is the Internet governed? The Internet is a democratic setup. No single organization owns or manages all the resources in the Internet. Rather, it is collectively owned and managed by thousands of organizations from around the world. Each organization owns and manages its own network, but provides services to other networks as well as receives services from them. There is no master or slave relation in the Net all users have equal standing. The Internet data traffic is carried over transcontinental high-speed backbone networks that operate in a range of 45Mbps to 2.5 Gbps. Trunk lines are owned by long-distance telephone companies called Network Service Providers or by National Government. Local connection lines are owned by regional telephone and cable television companies in the United States that connect retail users in homes and business to internet. The regional networks lease access to Internet Service Providers (ISPs), private companies, and government institutions. Each organisation pays for its own networks and its own local Internet connection services, a part of which is paid to the long-distance trunk line. Individual internet users pays ISPs for using their services and they generally pay a flat subscription fee no matter how much or how little they use the internet. The internet is not owned by any state or organisation and it has no formal management. However the internet policies are established by a number of professional organisations and government bodies including the (IAB) Internet Architecture Board that helps define the overall structure of the NET, the Internet Corporation for assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), assigns IP addresses and the World Wide Web Consortium which sets Hypertext Mark-up Language (HTML) and other programming standards for the web. These organisations influence government agencies, network owners, ISPs and software developers with the goal of keeping the Internet operating. The Internet must also conform to the laws of the nation-states in which it operates as well as the technical infrastructure that exist within the nation-states.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Dance Dance Revolution :: essays research papers

From the depths of Japan comes "Dance Dance Revolution", a highly active dancing video game. Playing this game is what makes it unique in a sense where instead of a normal handheld controller being used, it is played on a floor mat connected to the game console in order to actually provide an in home dancing experience. This game is currently gaining popularity in the states every day for many reasons including: the songs available to dance to, a high energy and high impact dance experience, and even a method of losing weight. Since this is a music game the quality of music is probably the most important factor in the game. The songs for the most part are very good. There is a house/eurobeat slant to the music, since eurobeat is popular in Japan. Songs like "Hyper Eurobeat" and "1998" are very energetic and make you want to get up and move. There are some slower Hip Hop and R&B songs like "Put Your Faith in Me" and "Try 2 Love U". Latin Music is also being included into the game. "Gamelan de Couple" (from Konami's Mamba A-Go-Go series) and "La Copa De La Vida" (yes that Ricky Martin song) are some examples. There are even sports classics like "We Are the Champions" and "We will Rock you". The concept of the game is simple. Directional arrows scroll up the screen, which represent dance steps. The player must step down on the corresponding arrow when it reaches on top of the screen. In writing it sounds simple, but this game will test a player's eye-hand.. err.. eye-foot coordination. All of the songs have cleverly designed dance patterns that include jumping, freeze arrows and off-beat steps. Not only do the songs have varied dance patterns but there are three difficulty settings available to the player based on how good the player is including: light, standard, and extreme. It takes time to get better at, but over all it's a fun experience, after getting past the initial embarrassment. Play video games and lose weight? It sounds unlikely, but it's true. People are using Dance Dance Revolution a a method of losing weight because of the massive amount of physical activity involved. Chris Rettig, 33, of Colerain Township, first tried this video game 2 years ago and has since lost over 90 pounds. Certain Schools have even introduced this game into their Physical Education programs instead of chasing a ball across the gym.

Marxist Literary Criticism Essay -- Literature Essays Literary Critici

   While literary critics do attempt to elaborate or develop ideas articulated by Karl Marx, it is important and necessary to make a distinction between Marx's specific socio-economic and political agenda and the body of literary theory which emerged years later. Marxist literary criticism proceeds from the fundamental philosophical assumption that "consciousness can never be anything else than conscious existence...Life is not determined by consciousness, but consciousness by life" (Marx 568-9). Marxist critics use this challenge to the notion of an innate, prefigured, individual human nature to reexamine the nature of creative or literary authority.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Power seems to reside outside or beyond the bounds of humanity. Rather than dipping into a world of universal forms or expressing a subjective interior, artists and their work are determined by the web of power relations in which they exist; literature is thus inescapably tethered to a continuum of socio-political concerns. Hegemony is the term most often used by Marxist critics to describe this continually renegotiat...

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

jumpman23- the appeal of advertising Essay example -- essays research

Jumpman23   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Michael Jordan has star power that bridges age, race, and socioeconomic class. Nike understands this aspect of the popular superstar and decided to give him his own clothing line named Jumpman23. It is the most popular form of sports apparel available and the white logo that adorns each article of apparel is known worldwide. Michael Jordan is arguably the most loved and respected athlete of this generation, thus the ad for this company depicted in ESPN The Magazine takes advantage of his immense popularity. In an attempt to expand the companies influence Jumpman23 uses professional baseball player Derrick Jeter to send its message and promote its apparel. In the essay â€Å"Absolution for Sale,† Charity Miller writes, â€Å"We live in a world of images. Among the most persuasive and insistent of these images are those directed at us by advertising. These images often do more then simply try to persuade us to buy a particular product or use a particular ser vice. More subtly, they influence us by appealing to our desires or exploiting our emotions.† The image of Jeter training alone in a gym clothed head to toe in Michael Jordan’s clothing line combine with a poem above describing his intentions. This scene portrays the hard work and dedication that will eventually lead to success as things an athlete of any level should expect while wearing the clothing. Michael Jordan takes advantage of his legend on the basketball court and his appeal worldwide to create a line of apparel that demands the same work ethic from those who wear it. Its success is in Jumpman23’s ability to interest buyers no matter what age, race, or sport.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The advertisement gives the impression that success does not come easily. To reach a goal there is a lot of hard work that goes into the process. This is how Jeter is portrayed in the picture. He is alone, in a dark gym surrounded by mirrors training with a thirty-five pound weight. He stares at his reflection in the mirror, deep in concentration, and highly motivated. The â€Å"light at the end of the tunnel† whether it be a world championship or simply a playground victory takes time, effort, and dedication and he is in the course of working towards that goal. Part of why the ad does not show him on the field, or celebrating a victory is because it wants to capture the countless hours... Jason Taylor â€Å"Team Jordan is something I wanted to do my whole career. Michael exemplifies everything that I think an athlete should be. The desire the competitiveness, everything about the man says winner and that’s what I’m about.† The hard work and desire Jordan put forth in order to achieve his dreams is well documented, and he has used this as the main focus in advertising his clothing line. By using other sports superstars who have achieved great things, he has been able to capture the attention of the sporting world. Once you put on the shoes and the clothing, you will begin to expect great things out of yourself. These goals come only after dedication and effort. Showing the work ethic of other great athletes and the thoughts that motivate them, Jumpan23 has successfully captured the idea of its clothing line. One has to look no further than the miniature symbol of a man flying through the air in order to imagine the possibilities and see what makes this advertisement so appealing. Works Cited Miller, Charity. â€Å"Absolution for Sale†. Criteria 2004. Taylor, Jason. Athlete Bio. 1 March 2005  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Disadvantages of computer Essay

1. Choose a topic you can write easily. For example, writing an advantage and disadvantage essay about wearing a bike helmet, shopping the day after Thanksgiving, or renting movies†¦ how to compare the advantages & disadvantages of computers? 1. Look at the processing power of the computers. This number is expressed in GHz, or gigahertz. The higher the number, the faster the processing power. Faster processors are necessary†¦ What are the advantages and disadvantages of a computer? Massive data storage and quick data computations. Various media (music, movies, games) It can help keep you organized. If you have Internet, then communication and social networking†¦ What is the advantage and disadvantage of computer? Advantage: you could use it to simplify some tasks in your life. Disadvantage: is very addicting to use. (Some people can’t stay away from their computer for more than a day!).†¦ Similar Questions What Are the Advantages of Computers to Students? How To Write An Advantages And Disadvantages Essay? How To Compare The Advantages Disadvantages Of Computers? What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages Of A Computer? What Is The Advantage And Disadvantage Of Computer? People Also Asked What are the best sales experts writing on social selling, or sales via social media? How Much Is An Autosmart Franchise? What is the relationship between manager’s qualification and their performance on the job? What banks use experian only? Why is Work Important? How do i apply for a job at dollar general in fultondale al? What is a Financial Statements? Why do companies need employability skills? What Is a Maintenance Technician? Car Service Checklist?

Monday, September 16, 2019

Night World : Witchlight Chapter 5

Everything hung in the balance, and for a moment Keller thought that they had won. Diana's face looked different, older and more clearly defined. For all her flower-petal prettiness, she had a strong little chin. But she didn't say anything, and her eyes were still hazy. â€Å"Toby,† Grandma Harman said abruptly. â€Å"Put in the video.† Her apprentice went to the VCR. Keller stared at the tape in his hand, her heart picking up speed. A video. Could that be what she thought it was? â€Å"What you're about to see is-well, let's just say it's very secret,† Grandma Harman said to Iliana as the apprentice fiddled with the controls. â€Å"So secret that there's only one tape of it, and that stays locked up in Circle Daybreak headquarters at all times. I'm the only person I trust to carry it around. All right, Toby, play it.† Iliana looked at the TV apprehensively. â€Å"What is it?† The old woman smiled at her. â€Å"Something the enemy would really like to see. It's a record of the other Wild Powers-in action.† The first scene on the tape was live news coverage of a fire. A little girl was trapped in a second-story apartment, and the flames were getting closer and closer. Suddenly, the tape went into slow motion, and a blue flash lit the screen. When the flash died away, the fire was out. â€Å"The blue fire,† Grandma Harman said. â€Å"The first Wild Power we found did that, smothered those ordinary flames with a single thought. That's just one example of what it can do.† The next scene was of a dark-haired young man. This one was obviously deliberately filmed; the boy was looking directly into the camera. He took a knife from his belt and very coolly made a cut on his left wrist. Blood welled up in the wound and dripped to the ground. â€Å"The second Wild Power,† Grandma Harman said. â€Å"A vampire prince.† The boy turned and held out the arm that was bleeding. The camera focused on a large boulder about thirty feet away. And then the tape went into slow motion again, and Keller could actually see the blue fire shoot out from his hand. It started as a burst, but what followed was a steady stream. It was so bright that the camera couldn't deal with it; it bleached out the rest of the picture. But when it hit the rock, there was no doubt about what happened. The two-ton boulder exploded into gravel. When the dust settled, there was only a charred crater in the ground. The dark-haired boy looked back at the camera, then shrugged and targeted another boulder. He wasn't even sweating. Keller's breath came out involuntarily. Her heart was pounding, and she knew her eyes were glittering. She saw Galen glance sideways at her but ignored him. Power like that, she thought. I never really imagined it. If I had that power, the things I could do with it†¦ Before she could help herself, she had turned to him. â€Å"Don't you see? That's what you'll bring to our side if you choose to fight with us. That's what's going to give us a chance against them. You have to do it, don't you understand?† It was the wrong thing to say. Diana's reaction to the video had been completely different from Keller's own. She was staring at the TV as if she were watching open-heart surgery. Unsuccessful open-heart surgery. I don't – I can't do anything like that!† â€Å"Diana-â€Å" â€Å"And I don't want to! No. Look.† A veil seemed to have dropped down behind Diana's beautiful eyes. She was facing Keller, but Keller wondered if she actually saw anything. She spoke rapidly, almost frantically. â€Å"You said you had to talk to me, so I listened. I even watched your-your special effects stuff.† She waved a hand at the screen where the boy was blowing up more boulders. â€Å"But now it's over, and I'm going home. This is all-I don't know. It's all too weird for me! I'm telling you, I can't do that kind of thing. You're looking at the wrong person.† â€Å"We looked at all your cousins first,† Grandma Harman said. â€Å"Thea and Blaise. Gillian, who was a lost witch like yourself. Even poor Sylvia, who was seduced over to the enemy side. But it was none of them. Then we found you.† She leaned forward, trying to hold Diana with her eyes. â€Å"You have to accept it, child. It's a great responsibility and a great burden, but no one else can do it for you. Come and take your place with us.† Iliana wasn't listening. It was as simple as that. Keller could almost see the words bouncing off her. And her eyes†¦ Not a veil, Keller thought. A wall had dropped down. It had slammed into place, and Diana was hiding behind it. â€Å"If I don't get home soon, my mother's going to go crazy. I just ran out for a few minutes to get some gold stretchy ribbon-you know, the kind that has like a rubber band inside? It seems like I'm always looking for that. We have some from last year, but it's already tied, and it won't fit on the presents I'm doing.† Keller stared at her, then cast a glance heavenward. She could see the others staring, too. Winnie's mouth was hanging open. Nissa's eyebrows were in her hair. Galen looked dismayed. Grandma Harman said, â€Å"If you won't accept your responsibilities as a Wild Power, will you at least do your duty as the Witch Child? The winter solstice is next Saturday. On that night, there's going to be a meeting of the shapeshifters and the witches. If we can show them a promise ceremony between you and the son of the First House of the shapeshifters, the shapeshifters will join us.† Keller half expected Iliana to explode. And in the deepest recesses of her own heart, she wouldn't really have blamed her. She could understand Iliana losing it and saying, What do you think you're doing, waltzing in and trying to hitch me up to some guy I've never met? Asking me to fight is one thing but ordering me to marry-giving me away like some object-that's another. But Iliana didn't say anything like that. She said, â€Å"And I've still got so many presents to wrap, and I'm not anywhere near done shopping. Plus, this week at school is going to be completely crazy. And Saturday, that's the night Jaime and Brett Ashton-Hughes are having their birthday party. I can't miss that.† Keller lost it. â€Å"What is wrong with you? Are you deaf or just stupid?† Iliana talked right over her. â€Å"They're twins, you know. And I think Brett kind of likes me. Their family is really rich, and they live in this big house, and they only invite a few people to their parties. All the girls have crushes on him. Brett, I mean.† â€Å"No,† Keller answered her own question. â€Å"You're just the most selfish, spoiled little brat I've ever met!† â€Å"Keller,† Nissa said quietly. â€Å"It's no good. The harder you push her, the more she goes into denial.† Keller let out her breath. She knew that it was true, but she had never been more frustrated in her life. Grandma Harman's face suddenly looked very old and very tired. â€Å"Child, we can't force you to do anything. But you have to realize that we're not the only ones who want you. The other side knows about you, too. They won't give up, and they will use force.† â€Å"And they've got a lot of force.† Keller turned to the old woman. â€Å"I need to tell you about that. I didn't want to say it on the phone, but they already tried to get Iliana once today. We had to fight them at the mall.† She took a deep breath. â€Å"And they had a dragon.† Grandma Harman's head jerked up. Those steely lavender-gray eyes fixed on Keller. â€Å"Tell me.† Keller told everything. As she did, Grandma Harman's face seemed to get older and older, sinking into haggard lines of worry and sadness. But all she said at the end was, â€Å"I see. Well have to try to find out how they got him, and what exactly his powers are. I don't think there's anybody alive today who's an expert on-those creatures.† â€Å"They called him Azhdeha.† â€Å"Hmm-sounds Persian.† â€Å"It is,† Galen said. ‘It's one of the old names for the constellation Draco. It means ‘man-eating serpent'† Keller looked at him in surprise. He had been sitting quietly all this time, listening without interrupting. Now he was leaning forward, his gold-green eyes intense. â€Å"The shapeshifters have some old scrolls about dragons. I think you should ask for them. They might give some idea about what powers they have and how to fight them. I saw the scrolls once, but I didn't really study them; I don't think anybody has.† He'd seen the ancient scrolls? Then he was a shapeshifter, after all. But why hadn't she been able to sense an animal form for him? â€Å"Galen-† Keller began, but Grandma Harman was speaking. ‘It's a good idea. When I get them, I'll send copies to you and Keller. He's one of your people, after all, and you may be able to help figure out how to fight him.† Keller wanted to say indignantly that he wasn't any connection to her, but of course it wasn't true. The dragons had ruled the shapeshifters, once. Their blood still ran in the First House, the Drache family that ruled the shapeshifters today. Whatever that monster was, he was one of her people. â€Å"So it's decided. Keller, you and your team will take Iliana home. I'll go back to Circle Daybreak and try to find out more about dragons. Unless†¦Ã¢â‚¬  She looked at Iliana. â€Å"Unless this discussion has changed your mind.† Iliana, unbelievably, was still prattling, having a conversation about presents with nobody in particular. It was clear that her mind hadn't changed. What wasn't clear to Keller was whether she had a mind. But Keller had other things to worry about. Tm sorry-but you're not serious, are you? About taking her home?† â€Å"Perfectly serious,*' Grandma Harman said. â€Å"But we can't† â€Å"We can, and we have to. You three girls will be her bodyguards-and her friends. I'm hoping that you can persuade her to accept her responsibility by Saturday night at midnight, when the shapeshifters and the witches convene. But if not†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Grandma Harman bowed her head slightly, leaning on her cane. She was looking at Iliana. â€Å"If not,† she said in a barely audible voice, â€Å"you'll just have to protect her for as long as you can.† Keller was choking. 1 don't see how we can protect her at all. With all respect, ma'am, it's an insane idea. They have to know where her house is by now. Even if we stick beside her twenty-four hours a day-and I don't see how we can even do that, with her family around-â€Å" The white head came up, and there was even a faint curve to the old woman's lips. ‘Illtake care of that. Ill have a talk with her mother-young Anna, Elspeth's granddaughter.Ill introduce myself and explain that her daughter's long-lost cousins' have come to visit for Christmas.† And undoubtedly do something witchy to Anna's mind, Keller thought Yeah, after that they'd be accepted, although none of them looked a bit like Iliana's cousins. â€Å"And then I will put up wards around that house.† There was a flash like silver lightning in Grandma Harman's eyes as she said it â€Å"Wards that will hold against anything from the outside. As long as nobody inside disturbs them, you'll be safe.† She cocked an eyebrow at Keller. â€Å"Satisfied?† â€Å"I'm sorry-no. It's still too dangerous.† â€Å"Then what would you suggest we do?† â€Å"Kidnap her,† Keller said instantly. She could hear Iliana stop babbling in the background; she wasn't gaining any Brownie points there. She bulldozed on grimly. â€Å"Look, I'm just a grunt; I obey orders. But I think that she's too important for us to just let her run around loose where they might get hold of her. I think we should take her to a Circle Daybreak enclave like the ones where the other Wild Powers are. Where we can protect her from the enemy.† Grandma Harman looked her in the eye. â€Å"If we do that,† she said mildly, â€Å"then we are the enemy.† There was a pause. Keller said, â€Å"With all respect, ma'am-â€Å" â€Å"I don't want your respect. I want your obedience. The leaders of Circle Daybreak made a firm decision when this whole thing started. If we can't convince a Wild Power by reasoning, we will not resort to force. So your orders are to take your team and stay with this child and protect her as long as you can.† â€Å"Excuse me.† It was Galen. The others had been sitting and watching silently. Nissa and Winnie were too smart to get involved in an exchange like this, but Keller could see that they were both unhappy. â€Å"What is it?† Grandma Harman asked. â€Å"If you don't mind, I'd like to go with them. I could be another ‘cousin.' It would make four of us to watch over her-better odds.† Keller thought she might have an apoplexy. She was so mad, she couldn't even get words out While she was choking uselessly, Galen was going on. His face still looked pale and strained, like a young soldier coming back from battle, but his dark gold hair was shining, and his eyes were steady. His whole attitude was one of earnest pleading. Tm not a fighter, but maybe I can learn. After all, that's what we're asking Iliana to do, isn't it? Can we ask anything of her that we're not ready to do ourselves?† Grandma Harman, who had been frowning, now looked him up and down appraisingly. â€Å"You have a fine young mind,† she said. â€Å"Like your father's. He and your mother were both strong warriors, as well.† Galen's eyes darkened. ‘Td hoped I wouldn't have to be one. But it looks like we can't always choose.† Keller didn't know what they were talking about or why the Crone of all the Witches knew the parents of this guy she'd met in a mall. But she'd finally gotten the obstruction out of her throat. â€Å"No way!† she said explosively. She was on her feet now, too, black hair flying as she looked from Grandma Harman to Galen. â€Å"I mean it. There is no way I am taking this boy back with us. And you may be the leader of the witches, ma'am, but, no offense intended, I don't think you have the authority to make me. I'd have to hear it from the leaders of Circle Daybreak themselves, from Thierry Descouedres or Lady Hannah. Or from the First House of the shapeshifters.† Grandma Harman gave an odd snort. Keller ignored it. ‘It's not just that he's not a fighter. He's not involved in this. He doesn't have any part in it.† Grandma Harman looked at Galen, not entirely approvingly. â€Å"It seems you've been keeping secrets. Are you going to tell her, or shall I?† â€Å"I-† Galen turned from her to Keller. â€Å"Listen. I'm sorry-I should have mentioned it before.† His eyes were embarrassed and apologetic. ‘It just-there just didn't seem to be a right time.† He winced. â€Å"I wasn't in that mall today accidentally. I came by to look for Iliana. I wanted to see her, maybe get to know her a little.† Keller stared at him, not breathing. â€Å"Why?† â€Å"Because†¦Ã¢â‚¬  He winced again. â€Å"I'm Galen Drache†¦ of the First House of the shapeshifters,† Keller blinked while the room revolved briefly. I should have known. I should have realized. That's why he seemed like a shapeshifter, but I couldn't get any animal sense from him. Children of the First House weren't born connected to any particular animal. They had power over all animals, and they were allowed to choose when they became adults which one they would shift into. It also explained how he'd known which pressure points to use to get her off the dragon. And his telepathy-children of the First House could connect to any animal mind. When the room settled back into place, Keller realized that she was still standing there, and Galen was still looking at her. His eyes were almost beseeching. ‘I should have explained,† he said. â€Å"Well, of course, it was your choice,† Keller said stiffly. There was an unusual amount of blood in her cheeks; she could feel it burning. She went on, â€Å"And, naturally, I'm sorry if anything I've said has given offense.† â€Å"Keller, please don't be formal.† â€Å"Let's see, I haven't greeted you properly, or given you my obedience.† Keller took his hand, which was well made, long-fingered, and cold. She brought it to her forehead. â€Å"Welcome, Drache, son of the First House of the shapeshifters. I'm yours to command, naturally.† There was a silence. Keller dropped Galen's hand. Galen looked miserable. â€Å"You're really mad now, aren't you?† he observed. â€Å"1 wish you every happiness with your new bride,† Keller said through her teeth. She couldn't figure out exactly why she was so mad. Sure, she'd been made a fool of, and now she was going to have to take responsibility for an untrained boy who couldn't even shapeshift into a mouse. But it was more than that. He's going to marry that whiny little flower in the corner, a voice in Keller's head whispered. He has to marry her, or at least go through a promise ceremony that's just as binding as marriage. If he doesn't, the shapeshifters will never join with the witches. They've said so, and they'll never back down. And if they don't join with the witches . .. everything you've ever worked for is finished. And your job is to persuade the flower to do her duty, the voice continued brightly. That means you've got to convince her to marry him. Instead of eating her. Keller's temper flared. I don't want to eat her, she snapped back at the voice. And I don't care who this idiot marries. It's none of my business. She realized that the room was still silent, and everyone was watching Iliana and Galen. Iliana had stopped prattling. She was looking at Galen with huge violet eyes. He was looking back, strained and serious. Then he turned to Keller again. â€Å"I'd still like to help, if you'll let me come.† â€Å"I told you, I'm yours to command,† Keller said shortly. â€Å"It's your decision. I'd like to mention that it just makes things a little harder on my team. Now we're going to have to look out for you as well as her. Because, you see, you're not expendable after all.† â€Å"I don't want you to look out for me,† he said soberly. â€Å"I'm not important.† Keller wanted to say, Don't be an idiot. No you, no promise ceremony, no treaty. It's as simple as that. We've got to protect you. But she'd already said more than enough. Toby was retrieving the tape from the VCR. Grandma Harman was making getting-ready-to-rise motions with her cane. â€Å"I think we've stayed here long enough,† she said to Keller. Keller nodded stiffly. â€Å"Would you like to come in the limo? Or would you rather follow us to her house?† Grandma Harman opened her mouth to answer, but she never got the chance. Keller's ears caught the sound of movement outside just before the living room window shattered.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Compared Writing Styles of Rowlandson, Bradford, and Byrd

The writing styles of Rowlandson and Bradford are very similar, while Byrd's writing style is different from the other two. Rowlandson's journal is a narraritive of her captivity, and Bradfords journal is a narrative of his journey to and arrival at his destination in the New World. Byrd's journal was was written as a satire, to essentially make fun of Rowlandson and Bradford's religious views. Mary Rowlandson kept the journal of her captivity to inform future generations of her experiences while being held captive and used as a slave by the Indians whom kidnapped her and her children. Rowlandon's main purpose in this passage is to show how her experiences revealed Gods purpose. Throughout the passagee Rowlandson makes reference to how God helped her through this difficult time. She was very stong in her religion and her views on her faith in God. In the passage Rowlandson expressses her gratefulness that her belief in God kept her from committing suicide. â€Å"I cannot but take notice of the wondrful mercy of God to me in those afflictions, in sending me a Bible. The above quote is one of the many times she makes regerence to how appreciative she is of God in her tine of trouble. As Rowlandon writes, she uses multiple strategies throughout her passage. On one many being allegory. Rowlandon uses allegories by placing biblical quotations to give symbolic meaning to her experiences. William Bradford's writing techniques and purpose are very similar to that of Rowlandson. Bradford writes about his voyage to the New World and experiences that take place once they reached land. Just like Rowlandon, Bradfords writing is to inform future generations of his experiences in the New World. Bradford give account of his voyage to the New World on the Mayflower, landding in the New world, and the hardships that he battled throughout it all. Bradford, much like Rowlandon, talked about how grateful he was for God to provide fot him and bring hin through his trials,. â€Å"But it pleased God before they came half seas over†¦. † In many instances, such as the above, Bradford gave God credit, and was very appreciative of it. William Byrd, unlike Bradford and Rowlandon, did not write a captivity nattatiive, but instead just kept an account of events. He did not give God credit for everything, but instead, used satire to make fun of Rowlandon and Bradford. Byrd was not saying that God meant nothing and he did not believe in him, but he did not constantly credit him with everything. As it is implied, Rowlandson and Bradford have very similar writing techniques, while Byrd had a different style than the other two.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Organizational Behavior, Terminology and Concept Essay

Various types of business are characterized by industry groupings, target clients and the line of services to achieve the tangible market value. The growth of industries is brought about by the significant change of consumer needs, transition of labor forces, commodity supply and emerging market modalities. This development poses the challenge to diversify the â€Å"business line†, in which the process involves organizational innovation as a â€Å"makeover† of getting in to a trendy business environment. This paper will discuss the organizational character to the type of a client-based services relating to hotel business. The Radisson As an overview, we have selected the Radisson Hotels and Resorts as the term of reference in discussing the topic on organizational behavior, terminology and concept. To cite a brief background, the Radisson is one of the world’s finest traveler’s hubs that cater the services of 395 hotels and resort franchises in 65 countries. Based on its business profile, the Radisson commits to â€Å"revolutionize† strategic operations, franchising, use of technology, sales and marketing, to achieve effective and competitive business enterprise (The Radisson, 2008). Organizational behavior The term â€Å"organizational behavior† refers to interactions of people within an organization. The interaction relate to the system of management and style of leadership focus at achieving the vision, mission and goals of the organization. To correlate, the Radisson has its structured â€Å"executive leadership† functions, such as (1) managing out-country or international franchising, (2) in-country management, and (3) specialized hotel management. Meaning, the executive leadership has its compartmentalized operational focus for its vision, mission and goals of â€Å"expanding global presence† (The Radisson, 2008). Organizational culture The â€Å"organizational culture† is also called as â€Å"corporate personality† that describes the character of an organization. This character is aligned or positioned to gaining the competitive edge of business, in a way the â€Å"projection† of business values is reflective of the quality of services from assimilating individual skills. This could be best exemplified by Radisson’s corporate framework on â€Å"service deluxe†, wherein the company generates proficient employees being strictly trained for efficient and effective guest-service that made the â€Å"corporate brand† for Radisson. Diversity A multi-cultural-racial working environment is defined as a workplace of diverse technical skills, talents, ethnicity, gender and beliefs. Thus, the diversity is an assimilating organizational strength when developed towards the company’s perspectives, in which the â€Å"inert† nature of diversity is motivated by focusing on human development. As cited, the Radisson’s human development framework focuses on workforce diversity by establishing a â€Å"multicultural development center† for employees to enhance self-confidence, promote dignity of labor, uphold equal treatment and respect, fair labor practices, increase sensible communication skills, and internalize business values. On the other hand, the employees are provided with comprehensive welfare and benefits aside from above industry-standard salary rates (according to position level and tenure of employment) productivity incentives and substantial pension plans (The Radisson, 2008). Communication The aspect of communication within an organization is crucial because it expresses or conveys the â€Å"life† of achieving the vision, mission and goals. Communication is patterned within the â€Å"structural system† of organization as an integral part of interpersonal interactions and establishing of common objectives or synergy. As mentioned above, the Radisson has critical focus on the diversity of workforce through human development framework and created the multicultural development center. One that can exemplify organizational communication is Radisson’s multicultural development center’s innovative training component which consistently provide a â€Å"corporate forum† that is work-centered and employee-focused in order to further develop organizational sensitivity and responsiveness. Business ethics It says that business ethics is the business value. In other words, doing business must conform with the ethical standards or implementing judicious business practices that depicts a healthy organization. However, it may not only the â€Å"center† of business that is judiciously undertaken but harnessing the values of corporate responsibility, thus, reaching out the overall source of business. This kind of business ethics through rekindling corporate responsibility could be cited from Radisson’s â€Å"tradition of service through volunteerism and philanthropy to community causes†, such as the World Childhood Foundation was created as a global charity organization for child-victims of abuse (The Radisson, 2008). Change management According to Change Consulting, the change management is aim to implementing effective organizational method and system. To cite, the â€Å"change† is to control the flow of management that is exemplified by re-structuring the organization from top to bottom level of personnel, in which the process is also referred to as â€Å"streamlining† or revamp of workforce in line with the innovative implementation of programs or operations (Nickols, 2006). As change management is essentially characterized by â€Å"organizational restructuring† correlating to make effective the performance of business, the Radisson’s diversified business operation is perceived to be adopting the process of change management as it continue to innovate the â€Å"business culture† of efficient service and indicative of its vision, mission and goals for â€Å"expanding global presence†. Conclusion The contemporary transitions of industry trends pattern the organizational performance.  Several archetypes of enterprises have found to be encouraged by a holistic approach of assimilating the business venture with communities. Like Radisson, the process of diversified venture has dwell on developing the diverse workforce as one of its corporate responsibilities. Today’s diversified businesses keep abreast to the development of global economies and societies in order to benchmark the performance of market values. However, the market values may not be beneficial to the overall perspectives of consumerism without the incentives of social response from the business sector. Thus, corporate governance is found to be essential as a â€Å"social investment† to the welfare of consumers, aside from the direct-service patronage. It may be then said that the overall discussions depicted in this paper is a pretext to the basic processes of organizational effectiveness that may draw impact to the industry and transformative values in the life of the organization towards a dynamically efficient workforce and socially secured workplace.

Friday, September 13, 2019

The analysis by Steel Tube division of Engineering Products Plc Assignment

The analysis by Steel Tube division of Engineering Products Plc accountant - Assignment Example Center of discussion in this paper is a financial analyst for Steel Tube division of Engineering Products Plc named Roger Davis. He is having a tough time convincing the management for a project proposal. The analysis by his accountant and the additional information obtained from other sources has added to his woes. Roger Davis needs to convince his managing director about the viability of a new proposal for computer numerically controlled (CNC) milling machine. The MD is not ready to spend money on the project unless it can start yielding profits within 3 years. However, the accountant’s analysis shows an overall loss for the project over the next 4 years. It won’t be prudent to expect much from the project after this period. Roger has collected a lot of additional information as well. But he has not been able to justify the viability of the project with given information. Most of the information available to Roger seems relevant at first sight. However, the consultant charges of  £18,000 have already been paid by the company. Hence, they would not make much difference to the investment decision. Also acquiring opening stock at the beginning of the year rather than considering the same at year end would have minimal impact on the decision (the impact due to time value of money would be very small as compared to other numbers) and hence should be neglected for analysis. In addition there are pieces of information which don not directly reflect the performance of the project and must be excluded for a fair evaluation. They would be discussed in greater detail in section 5. 4. Cash flow Analysis using all additional information The accountant’s analysis was quite limited. Therefore, additional information collected by Roger needs to be incorporated in the financial analysis (Johnson, Derek). The same has been done in Table 4.1. The methodology for the same is discussed here. Table 4.1: Cash Flow Analysis using Accountant’s Analysis a nd Additional Information    Year       0 1 2 3 4 Total Sales    400.00 600.00 800.00 600.00    Cost of Sales    180.00 300.00 380.00 300.00    Labour Cost    80.00 120.00 120.00 80.00    Revised Other production expenses    64.00 66.00 68.00 84.00    Depreciation    40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00    Administrative Overhead    54.00 76.00 74.00 74.00    Interest on loans    22.00 22.00 22.00 22.00    Total Cost    440.00 624.00 704.00 600.00    PBT    -40.00 -24.00 96.00 0.00    PBDT    0.00 16.00 136.00 40.00    Depreciation for Tax purpose    60.00 45.00 33.75 25.31    Cumulative Depreciation for Tax purpose    60.00 105.00 138.75 164.06    PBT (for Tax purpose)    -60.00 -29.00 102.25 14.69    PAT (for Tax purpose)    -42.00 -20.30 71.58 10.28    Net profit (for company)    -62.00 -25.30 77.83 24.97    Scrap sales 20.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.00    Cash benefits due to sell-off of existing machine 0.00 18.00 18.00 18.00 18.0 0    Additional advertising expenses -40.00 -8.00 -8.00 -8.00 -8.00    Consultant expenses -18.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00    Reduction in sales of competing products    -60.00 -60.00 -60.00 -60.00    Net cash flow -38.00 -112.00 -75.30 27.83 -5.03

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Descartes theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Descartes theory - Essay Example The essential property of a mind is that it thinks; the essential property of body is that it is "extended." Each thought is a modification of mind; each physical object, a modification of matter. Since mind is different from body (otherwise, they would not be two distinct substances), its essential characteristics must be different from those of body. This means that minds cannot take up space or be extended. If they were, they would be forms of body. Body, in contrast to mind, is that which is extended. Every form in which a material object can exist can be defined or described in forms of its extensional features-size, shape, position, movement. 2. Explain how Descartes' method of doubt was supposed to insure certain knowledge. What is the special role of innate ideas in Descartes' theory of knowledge Which ideas did Descartes considered to be innate How are innate ideas different from other types of ideas Descartes' method of doubt says that he wishes to examine those things which he thinks to be true and set aside all those beliefs of which there might be some doubt.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Beliefs In The Existence Of Ghosts And Poltergeists Term Paper

Beliefs In The Existence Of Ghosts And Poltergeists - Term Paper Example Saul was inclined to fits and visions, and perhaps in this instance, all that happened was that his imagination took over at a time when he was desperate. The prediction wasn’t even totally correct, although Saul would die at the hand of the Philistines – but that is likely to have happened anyway he was so disheartened. Webster’s Dictionary defines a ghost as being ‘a spirit or a demon, a disembodied soul.’ believed to be an inhabitant of an unseen world. Kipling, whose son died in the Ist World War and who might well have wanted contact with him, is warning people to leave well alone. The ghost of Samuel is not, of course, the only well known literary ghost. In the Odyssey, Homer describes how Circe advises Odysseus to consult the spirits of the dead. ( Odyssey 11 v 23-28.) There is also Hamlet’s father in Shakespeare’s Hamlet and Banquo in his Macbeth., the ghosts being devices to explain a character’s inner feelings or move the story on. ‘Whethering Heights’ by Emily Brontà © ( 1847) has its Kathy clawing at the windows. Dickens, of course, had Marley appearing to Scrooge ( A Christmas Carol, 1843), one of the few instances in literature where some good resulted. In modern-day films, we have the Ghostbusters and of course the Harry Potter films, both of which show ghosts as being evil things, although J.K. Rowling also portrays more gentle beings such as Harry’s parents. In C.S. Lewis’s ‘The Great Divorce’ (1945) the author describes ghosts who have to choose whether to give up their sins and go to he aven or whether they prefer to retain them and go to hell. Stevie Smith in her 1953 poem ‘ Not waving but drowning’ has the dead man explaining his predicament.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Corporate Social Responsibility Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Corporate Social Responsibility - Coursework Example Corporate social responsibility can be broadly defined in terms of the responsiveness of businesses to stakeholders’ legal, ethical, social and environmental expectations (UNIDO, 2002). Stakeholders are people and group of people who are directly or indirectly impacted by the business. CSR underpins the principles of Coca-Cola and all its priorities and operations conform within its CSR approach. For example, it had supplied drinking water to the victims of the earthquake in Turkey (CSR Report, 2011). CSR codes refer to the international standards of CSR practices implemented in the workplace vis-Ã  -vis social and environmental responsibilities of the business.Sustainable development can be described as development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs (iisd, 2013). Coca-Cola is highly sensitive to the environment and takes serious measures to reduce carbon footprint and uses recycled goods to promo te conservation and preservation of the environment. It encourages environment-related activities within its companies and the community where it is operating. It has promoted rainwater harvesting in Kazakhstan and significantly reduced energy consumption in its Turkey operations. It has also adopted sustainability management approach whereby it ensures conservation of natural resources like water, land and clean air. Sustainability is defined as a process which helps to save resources for the future.

Monday, September 9, 2019

The Effect of Ethnicity on Our Perception of the World around Us Essay

The Effect of Ethnicity on Our Perception of the World around Us - Essay Example It is therefore fair to say that physical matters aside, none of us are unique in our traits or qualities either. We are the result of the biases and perception of each one of those persons, collected into one big trend, and transmitted into us, which we will in turn transmit to another human. These biases and perceptions in turn affect the biases and perceptions of other such collective individuals, which we come to know as races. As a result, we find it an endless cycle, where our race affects our identity, and our perception of the world around us, and therefore the actions we take in that world. This in turn cements our identity and develops those traits that are the characteristic of our race, and in turn restarting the cycle. The effect of race or ethnicity on our identity and thereby perception of the world around is a theme explored in many of the stories and poems in Sherman Alexie's book, War Dances. As a Native-American himself, he drew out on many of his own experiences o f that fact and incorporated them into providing a personal insight into the unique stories and poems. There are many examples of this in the very first story, Breaking and Entering, where the protagonist of the story finds himself in a fix for killing a young African-American who attempted to break into his house. The effect of ethnicity upon perception is overwhelmingly prevalent throughout the story. For example, when the young man breaks into his house, the protagonist immediately assumes danger. As it is written, 'I didn't think, there's a black teenager stealing from me. I only remembered being afraid and wanting my fear to go away (Alexie, 2009, page10).' Did it make sense to be afraid of a 17 year old boy, who was stealing DVDs from the television rack? The protagonist himself states that he could not have been sure he had been breaking in with the intent to harm. He states that he had no reason to get violent and protective. Not only was his family out of town and therefore there being no one to protect, but also because the young man seemed to pose no certain threat. He had no weapons, he was not being violent. In fact, he entered the house only after making certain, in his view, that there was nobody home. Why then, would it make sense to harm him? Because as the author said, he was afraid. Perhaps if he had been in a white neighborhood and a black teenager had broken in he would have had the sense to talk to the boy. But being white in a prevalently black neighborhood might have played a subconscious role in the man's being afraid, even though it did not consciously cross his mind. Furthermore, when the protagonist ends up killing the boy and investigation is conducted into the crime, he is not charged guilty with anything, as it was a crime of self-defense. This fact, the fact that in their eyes, a white man was acquitted of the murder of a black man, makes it a matter of injustice and inequality in the eyes of the black boy's family. Would a prot est have been conducted if a white man was held innocent in the death of a white boy, under the assumption and likelihood of self-defense? It is unlikely that every death that occurs under the self-defense notion is met with protests, as the law would undoubtedly have been changed if it was. But this murder, because it seemed that a white man, living in a black neighborhood was allowed to walk free, after the death of a 17 year old boy who had no weapons, no criminal record, no intent to

Adopting Plans Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Adopting Plans - Research Paper Example 114). For instance, an emergency plan for a city may be detailed and require large resources to be implemented. However, a plan for an institution such as a school may be small since it covers a small area and thus requires fewer resources. Although disasters occur unexpectedly some of them can be predicted as a result of past incidences. For instance, emergency operation plans for areas which are prone to natural disasters such as tornadoes or earthquakes may not be the same (Gallant, 2008, p.86). This is because the measures taken to tackle such kind of disasters are different. Therefore planners should conduct an assessment of their jurisdiction to determine the possible emergencies they may face and how they plan to tackle them (Alexander, 2002, p. 182). Finally, it is important for emergency planners to design their own plans because different locations or facilities differ in terms of physical design of their premises. In case of an emergency, the plan should outline the escape routes; identify safe areas where people should go and possible sources of medical aid (Gallant, 2008,